
The long-lasting and user-friendly active ingredient for insect repellents

Insect repellents need to be effective yet gentle, so everyone is protected, including vulnerable groups such as infants. These days, protection against mosquitoes, ticks and other assorted bugs is more important than ever. No matter how sensitive your skin, Saltidin® (Picaridin/Icaridin) is the product of choice.

Saltidin® is Saltigo’s brand name for the active ingredient.

The name is sometimes found on insect-repellent packaging, but more often found on labeling is the chemical name Icaridin or, on English-language packaging, Picaridin. 

Saltidin® is Saltigo’s brand name for the active ingredient.

The name is sometimes found on insect-repellent packaging, but more often found on labeling is the chemical name Icaridin or, on English-language packaging, Picaridin. 

Extensive laboratory and field tests have proven that Saltidin® (Picaridin) provides a reliable and long-lasting repellent effect against a wide range of blood-sucking insects. These include mosquitoes, ticks, and biting flies as well as horseflies and fleas. Saltidin® has also proven effective against gnats, ants, and cockroaches. Amongst those, mosquitoes and ticks are very common disease carriers.

Based on broad laboratory and field tests, Saltidin® shows sustainable effectiveness against the following species: Mosquitoes: Aedes aegypti, Aedes taenio- rhyn-chus, Aedes albopictus, Culex quinquefascia- tus, Culex pipiens fatigans, Anopheles stephensi, Anopheles sinensis, Anopheles dirus. Flies: Musca domestica, Stomoxys calcitrans, Simulium venustum, Tabanidae. Ticks: Ixodes ricinus, Ioxdes scapula- ris (damini), Ripicephalus sanguineus. Other: Biting midges/No seeums, Culicoides spp, ants and cock- roaches.

Saltidin® can be easily formulated as a liquid, aerosol, pump spray, wipe, cream/balm or stick, making it suitable for a wide variety of applications. Depending upon the dosage level, the active formula provides between 3 to 5 hrs (10% formula) and up to 14 hrs (20% formula) of protection. Compositions may be reduced under 10% formula to achieve short term protection.

Saltidin® (Picaridin) may be used in water, oil or alcohol-based solutions. The active ingredient is compatible with many common cosmetic ingredients, including Aloe Vera, Dexpanthenol (pro-vitamin B5) and glycerin.

Saltidin® (Icaridin/Picaridin) stands for gentle yet long-lasting protection. As the insect repellent remains on the skin surface very little of it is absorbed by the organism. Consumers with sensitive skin should note that Saltidin®

  • does not irritate the skin
  • does not cause skin sensitivity.

Therefore the active ingredient can be safely used in insect repellents for the whole family. Comprehensive toxicology studies have shown that Saltidin® (Picaridin) does not have any negative effects on vulnerable groups such as children or nursing mothers. Thanks to its good skin compatibility, the active ingredient is even used in hypoallergenic products – with the approval of the German Allergy and Asthma Association.

While other ingredients may influence skin feeling, insect repellents containing Saltidin® (Picaridin) generally feel very pleasant on the skin, as the active ingredient

  • is almost odorless and colorless,
  • does not feel greasy or sticky,
  • does not corrode plastics,
  • and may be used in variety of formulations and applications, from creams to sprays.

Should painted nails or sunglasses come into contact with the active ingredient, they remain undamaged. Saltidin® (Picaridin) is also compatible with most sports and outdoor equipment as well as with household items such as foil or furniture polish. This material compatibility is an important point in its favor.

Manufacturers can also benefit from the advantageous processing characteristics of the active ingredient. Saltidin® (Picaridin):

  • has a long shelf life,
  • does not stick or smear,
  • is easily soluble,
  • may be processed hot or cold,
  • does not corrode processing equipment,
  • is compatible with many plastics and packaging materials, and
  • is safe to handle and to apply, as well as for the environment.

Saltidin® (Icaridin/Picaridin) is registered as an active ingredient in numerous countries and economic regions including the EU, the USA, Canada, Australia, and China. Specific regulations govern whether the ingredient is considered a biocide, medicine, or cosmetic additive. Saltigo supports manufacturers and formulators with regulatory issues, too. Take advantage of our expertise!